Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why Work with a Buyer's Agent?

Why Work with a Buyer's Agent?

Buyer Services are always FREE!

The typical real estate transaction involves at least two dozen separate individuals – insurance agents, mortgage brokers, underwriters, inspectors, appraisers, escrow officers, buyer’s agents, seller’s agents, bankers, title researchers, and a number of other individuals whose actions and decisions have to be orchestrated in order to perform in harmony and get a home sale closed.

It is the responsibility of your real estate agent to expertly coordinate all the professionals involved in your home purchase and to act as the advocate for YOU and YOUR INTERESTS throughout.

A Buyer’s Agent:

1. Educates you about your market.
2. Analyzes your wants and needs.
3. Guides you to homes that fit your criteria.
4. Coordinates the work of other needed professionals.
5. Negotiates on your behalf.
6. Checks and double-checks paperwork and deadlines.
7. Solves any problems that may arise.

At the Don Johnson Real Estate Team, our dedicated Buyer SpecialistTracy Dowling, is ready to serve you. She has many years of real estate experience helping buyers. Tracy truly enjoys her job and service is her number one priority. Contact Us today to set up a consultation or email Tracy at

Interviewing the right agent for the job is important. Not all agents are equal. Qualifications are important. However, finding a solid, professional agent means getting beyond the resume and into what makes an agent effective. Personality is also important as you will be having a very close working relationship. Here are eight important questions to ask an agent you are interviewing. Contact Tracy, she will be happy to answer these questions and more!

1. Why did you become a real estate agent?
2. Why should I work with you?
3. What do you do better than other real estate agents?
4. What process will you use to help me find the right home for my particular wants and needs?
5. What are the most common things that go wrong in a transaction and how would you handle them?
6. What are some mistakes that you think people make when buying their first home?
7. What other professionals do you suggest we work with and what are their credentials?
8. Can you provide me with references or testimonials from past clients?

Keep in mind, Buyer Services are always FREE. The seller pays Realtor fees. If you are considering buying a home, it's always a good idea to use the services of a Buyer's Agent, it doesn't cost you anything and you will be sure that your best interests are at heart. Remember, the Listing Agent was hired by the seller to look out for their best interest. It's not to say that dual agency - meaning the Listing Agent represents both the buyer and the seller - can't work. But why leave any room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding? The seller has already agreed on a selling fee, so whether that fee goes to one Agent or is split by two Agents, it doesn't save you any money.

If we can answer any questions for you about the home buying process, give us a call. We are here to help.

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