Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Do You Need to Include Your Parents in Your Living Arrangement? 5 Bedroom Home Options!

How to Combine Finances to Buy a Home with Loved Ones.  Find a 5 Bedroom Home for Sale in Cary to Share.

Have you ever  considered purchasing a home jointly with your parents or siblings and pooling finances  to be able to afford a nice home that can be shared in a muli-generational living arrangement. It is an emerging trend in housing as the cost of living is increasing and families are finding it more beneficial to share costs.

Planning, open-mindedness, and agreements in writing will aid in the success of such a venture.  A qualified Mortgage Lender can review your current situation and advise you on the type of loan, down payment and affordability with combined incomes.  

The next step is finding the right home that will meet everyone's needs, maintain a sense of privacy for all and fit within the budget.  Working with a professional Realtor, like myself, you can view many properties and evaluate the pros and cons of each before making a big decision.  A multi-unit dwelling might also be a great option.

See all 5 Bedroom Homes for Sale in Cary right now and let's discuss your options. With my expertice in construction and renovation, there may just be an opportunity to change a wall or door that can make your privacy the winning formula.

Cary Homes for Sale Listings Search

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